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Airport Noise Complaints, Safety Concerns or to Report Low-Flying Aircraft

The Placer County Airport Land Use Commission has no authority over existing land uses or airport operations, including noise issues and safety concerns.  The ALUC recommends residents direct their questions and comments regarding noise and operations to the following organizations:.

Airport Operators

Auburn Municipal Airport: City of Auburn | Online Complaint Form | (530) 823-4211

Blue Canyon Airport: Placer County | | (530) 745-7500

Lincoln Regional Airport: City of Lincoln | | (916) 645-3443

Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Noise and Complaints | Website

FAA Noise Ombudsman | Website | | (202) 267-3521

FAA Regional Noise Ombudsman | | (424) 405-8020

Flight Standards Sacramento Office | | (916) 422-0272