Riego Road/Baseline Road

As a partnership between four agencies, PCTPA, along with Placer County, Sutter County, and the City of Roseville propose to widen existing Riego Road/Baseline Road from State Route 99/70 to Foothills Boulevard to accommodate existing and anticipated traffic growth in this 12-mile transportation corridor.
An estimated 20,000 vehicles per day currently travel on the road, and as approved Specific Plan development occurs, the volume of traffic in the corridor is expected to double to 40,000 vehicles per day. The project initially would include widening to four lanes, a two-way left turn lane, vehicular, transit, bike and pedestrian infrastructure, an at-grade crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), and a wider bridge structure over Steelhead Creek. Ultimately, the corridor is planned to be widened to six lanes, including a grade separation of the UPRR.
Project Documents
On January 22, 2020, the Board awarded a contract to Drake Haglan/Dewberry to prepare the Riego Road/Baseline Road Project Study Report (PSR). A PSR is a project initiation document that must be completed before a project can seek grant funding opportunities. The PSR process was initiated for Riego Road/Baseline Road to establish a high-level project cost estimate and timeline for the project’s environmental process, the subsequent engineering and design phase, and construction start date. The PSR was completed and accepted by the PCTPA Board of Directors in October 2020. Construction is currently being implemented in segments by Placer and Sutter counties and the City of Roseville.
The following Riego Road/Baseline Road PSR supporting documents are available for review:
1 - Riego-Baseline_PSR Equivalent_October 2020_signed.pdf2 - Riego-Baseline_PSR Attachments_v2.pdf3 - Riego Road Grade Separation Feasibility Study 2020-09-25.pdf