Placer Countywide Active Transportation Plan
The Placer Countywide Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is intended to create a comprehensive vision that provides more opportunities for residents to safely and comfortably bike, walk, and roll around Placer County. New technology such as eBikes, along with the county’s fast-growing population, has created the need to take a fresh look on how people are currently traveling and how they want to travel in Placer County. This ATP aims to develop an implementable multimodal network that improves the safety and comfort of people walking, biking, and rolling and gets people to the places they care about.
The Placer Countywide Active Transportation Plan is being developed for and in coordination with the City of Auburn, City of Colfax, City of Lincoln, City of Rocklin, Town of Loomis, and Placer County. Note that Auburn, Rocklin, and Roseville are conducting concurrent efforts on active transportation planning in their respective jurisdictions. All work on those plans is being coordinated with the Countywide ATP.
Learn more about Roseville Active Transportation Plan update here and Auburn's ATP update here!
Thank you for giving your input!
PCTPA completed a first round of community engagement in May-July 2024 where we held pop-up events around Placer County at festivals and farmer's markets and held two virtual workshops to hear what concerns you, as a community member, have about active transportation. This was done alongside an online survey and interactive map where you could indicate specific locations where you'd like to see improvements for biking, walking, or rolling. We are currently taking that feedback and factoring it into our analysis of the active transportation network here in Placer County.
We anticipate having another round of community engagement in May 2025, so stay tuned!
Here you can view the July 16th, 2024 virtual workshop on the Placer ATP and read a summary of the presentation and what the community said! Also available below is a summary of comments recieved on the interactive map survey done between May-July 2024.