Transportation Development Act
The Transportation Development Act of 1971 (TDA), also known as SB 325, is administered by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the county’s designated regional transportation planning agency (RTPA). The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) is the RTPA for Placer County. The Act provides two major sources for funding of public transportation in California. The first, the county Local Transportation Fund (LTF), was established in 1972, while the State Transit Assistance (STA) fund was implemented in 1980. When Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) passed in 2017, a new program called the State of Good Repair (SGR) was added as a source of funding for maintaining transit systems across the state. The intent of the legislation is to provide a stable source of funding to meet the area’s transit needs.
Documents related to PCTPA’s implementation of the Transportation Development Act in Placer County can be found below:
Claim Forms
FY 2024/2025 TDA Claim Forms (revised September 2024)
FY 2024/2025 TDA Claim Worksheet
FY 2025/26 Preliminary Findings of Apportionment (adopted February 26, 2025)
FY 2025/26 Preliminary LTF Findings of Apportionment
FY 2025/26 Preliminary STA Fund Allocation
FY 2025/26 Preliminary SGR Fund Allocation
FY 2024/25 Final Findings of Apportionment (adopted September 25, 2024)
FY 2024/25 Final LTF Findings of Apportionment
FY 2024/25 Final STA Fund Allocation
FY 2024/25 Final SGR Fund Allocation
FY 2024/25 Preliminary Findings of Apportionment (adopted February 28, 2024)
FY 2024/25 Preliminary LTF Findings of Apportionment
FY 2024/25 Preliminary STA Fund Allocation
FY 2024/25 Preliminary SGR Fund Allocation
Placer County Transportation Planning Agency Transportation Development Act Manual (revised October 2023)
Current Bicycle and Pedestrian LTF 5-Year Cash Management Plan
Caltrans Transportation Development Act Statues & California Code of Regulations
State Controller Reporting Instructions for Transit Operators
TDA Audits
You can find the most recent TDA Financial Audits and Triennial Performance Audits by visiting our Resource Library.