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Alternative Transportation Programs

Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) is your resource for information about alternative transportation services in Placer County.  Whether you’re a commuter interested in finding a carpool partner, a resident interested in figuring out local public transit services, or a family wanting to take the Capitol Corridor train to the Bay Area, we can help you find the information you need.

Through its Congestion Management Program (CMP), PCTPA promotes the use of alternative transportation modes including carpooling, vanpooling, telecommuting, biking, taking public transit, riding the train, or walking. Several programs, incentives, and resources are made available through the CMP that aim to get people out of their single occupancy vehicles with the goal of improving air quality and reducing traffic congestion in Placer County. Below is a list of year round and seasonal programs and services as well as a list of resources that can get you on the path to finding an alternative transportation option that works for you.

Year Round Programs & Services


If you’re looking to find a vanpool, Placer County Transit offers a vanpool program for Placer County residents. You can find more information about this program at their website or by calling 530-745-7570. 


With multiple public transit operators in Placer County, your resource for transit connections in South Placer County begins with South Placer Transit Information.  This is where Placer County Transit, Roseville Transit, and Auburn Transit provide links to their respective websites and show you how to connect between the different service providers.  Need help figuring out how to plan your trip using transit in Placer County? Call (530 or 916) 745-7560

Transit Training Program

If you or someone you know needs some one-on-one assistance with navigating the local fixed-route transit services (Auburn Transit, Placer County Transit and Roseville Transit), a Transit Trainer can help.  And if you are interested in becoming a transit ambassador yourself, it is a great opportunity to give back to your community. Contact the program administrator by filling out the contact form on the Mobility Training Program website or by calling (530 or 916) 745-7560.

Specialized Transportation

For seniors, individuals with disabilities, and those with children under six years of age who have unique circumstances which prevent them from using public transit, the Western Placer Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (WPCTSA) provides transportation options that support health and quality of life services including the Placer Rides program. For more information, visit the WPCTSA page.