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RTP 2044

Notice of Availability

2044 Placer County Regional Transportation Plan


The Final Draft of the 2044 Regional Transportation Plan is available at the link above. The PCTPA Board of Directors will consider adoption of the document at their June 26, 2024 meeting.


Project Location

The proposed project includes all of Placer County that is under the jurisdiction of the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), which excludes the area within the Lake Tahoe basin.

Project Description

The proposed project is the adoption/implementation of the 2044 Placer County Regional Transportation Plan (2044 RTP). The 2044 RTP has been prepared to fulfill the state requirements of AB 402 (Government Code Title 7, Chapter 2.5, Sections 65080-65082) using specific guidance from the California Transportation Commission Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines. The RTP is a twenty-year, comprehensive, and multi-modal plan for highways, local streets and roads, transit, bicycle, aviation, rail, and goods movement. PCTPA is required to adopt and submit an updated RTP to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) every five years, with the last RTP (known as the 2040 RTP) being adopted in December 2019. The secondary purpose of the RTP is to serve as a foundation for the development of the shorter “action” plans called the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP), which satisfies California transportation planning requirements, and the federal counterpart referred to as the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) for all transportation projects that contain federal transportation dollars or require federal approval. The 2044 RTP is a minor update of the previously adopted 2040 RTP, accounting for slight project cost, delivery schedule, and scope adjustments made since December 2019, without adding non-exempt projects or substantially altering the 2040 RTP’s original transportation project list. This update is being done to ensure that PCTPA’s RTP complements SACOG’s 2023 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (2023 MTP/SCS), adopted in November 2023, and remains compliant with state guidance.

Significant Environmental Effects

The 2044 RTP does not make any substantive changes to the transportation investment strategies, programs, and/or projects contained in the 2040 RTP that was adopted along with its subsequently certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) by the PCTPA Board of Directors in December 2019. Because of this, the 2044 RTP relies upon the 2040 RTP’s certified EIR findings and mitigation measures for implementation, and no new EIR has been prepared.  The 2040 RTP’s certified EIR identified the following environmental issue areas as having significant and unavoidable environmental impacts from the project: Agricultural and Forestry Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Climate Change/Energy, and Cumulative Impacts from these two topics. All other environmental issues were determined to have no impact, less than significant impacts, or less than significant impacts with mitigation measures incorporated into the project.  

Public Review Period

A 45-day public review period for the Draft 2044 RTP started on April 15, 2024, and ended on May 30, 2024. A public hearing was held at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, during the PCTPA Board of Directors meeting at the Placer County Board of Supervisors Chamber located at 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603.